Glow in the Dark Rain Cloud in a Jar

I’ve seen the Raincloud in a Jar experiment popping up all over Pinterest and Instagram for months and added it to our list of things to do, until I saw my oh-so-inspiring Insta-homie, Roshelle of  Happi Crafts, put her creative twist on it and then we had to try it ASAP! This is our second time making aContinueContinue reading “Glow in the Dark Rain Cloud in a Jar”

Daniel Tiger Mix and Match Game

I’m always on the lookout for new activities for my daughter, especially ones that are easily portable and can offer entertainment on-the-go. My daughter is a huge fan of Daniel tiger, so I was pretty excited when I found this printable Daniel Tiger Mix and Match game on the CBC website. I printed the sheets, cutContinueContinue reading “Daniel Tiger Mix and Match Game”

Rainbow Carnation Science Experiment

I remember doing this as a child and being fascinated, and I love finding fun ways to introduce science to my toddler, so I was excited to do this experiment with her. We bought a small bouquet of white carnations and added food colouring to six glasses of water, making each glass a different colour ofContinueContinue reading “Rainbow Carnation Science Experiment”

Dental Hygiene Part 2: Flossing

Flossing is tricky to teach to a toddler, so I wanted to find a fun way to help my daughter understand how to do it properly and practice. Here’s what we used: Construction paper (pink for the mouth and red for the tongue) Scissors Black marker Glue (I used a glue gun, but white glueContinueContinue reading “Dental Hygiene Part 2: Flossing”