There’s something irresistible about pompoms, isn’t there!? For children and adults alike, those soft fluffy yarn balls are as fun to look at as they are to play with. Even the word “pompom” is fun to say! We use pompoms as a crafting material, as manipulatives for learning activities (counting/sorting/etc.), and with this project we turned them into homemade jewelry and put together this how-to so you can too!

MarcoPolo World School App Review

I’ve been intrigued by the MarcoPolo World School app since I first read about it a couple of years ago. My daughter was too young at the time, but she’s the perfect age now, and the kind folks over at MarcoPolo offered us the opportunity to test it out in return for our review. WeContinueContinue reading “MarcoPolo World School App Review”

Resin Clock tutorial

I made this clock for my daughter, who is learning to tell time, and she LOVES it!  The clock is made of a 9” resin disc with numbers made of resin and alcohol ink, and a separate 4” resin disc with shiny confetti numbers. I made the 4” disc to help her learn to readContinueContinue reading “Resin Clock tutorial”

Resin Petri Tutorial

I recently started creating art with resin and alcohol ink, and it has quickly become a passion of mine. Before I started, I watched every YouTube video I could find in order to learn some of the basics. Josie Lewis is a talented artist who is my resin role model, and she makes some ofContinueContinue reading “Resin Petri Tutorial”

Glow in the Dark Rain Cloud in a Jar

I’ve seen the Raincloud in a Jar experiment popping up all over Pinterest and Instagram for months and added it to our list of things to do, until I saw my oh-so-inspiring Insta-homie, Roshelle of  Happi Crafts, put her creative twist on it and then we had to try it ASAP! This is our second time making aContinueContinue reading “Glow in the Dark Rain Cloud in a Jar”

Rainbow Bean Sensory Bin

My daughter and I LOVE making sensory bins! Sometimes they’re simple and sometimes they’re elaborate, and no matter what, they always ignite hours of imaginative play. The best sensory bins can be made from simple household ingredients, and this one is no exception. My daughter and I picked up a big bag of beans atContinueContinue reading “Rainbow Bean Sensory Bin”

DIY Sand Slime

Slime is so hot right now (any Zoolander fans out there?), and it’s so great for sensory play. We’ve tried several different slime recipes, some were more successful than others, but this is definitely the best slime we’ve ever played with! Here’s what you need: 1/2 cup clear washable school Glue 1/2 water 1/4 cupContinueContinue reading “DIY Sand Slime”

Bird Nest Cupcakes with Sweet Potato Frosting

Spring is around the corner and I’m so ready for it! I’m a big fan of themes when it comes to our crafts and baking, so when my daughter asked if we could make cupcakes I decided to give these bird nest cupcakes a whirl. With Easter only two weeks away, I know that ourContinueContinue reading “Bird Nest Cupcakes with Sweet Potato Frosting”

Sending Hugs

We have many friends and family members who live far away, and we don’t get to see them often. Let’s face it, with young kids, even our friends and family who live within walking distance don’t see us that often. Can you relate? 🙂 We decided to “send hugs” to some of our loved onesContinueContinue reading “Sending Hugs”

Rainbow Cupcakes

Last weekend my daughter asked if we could bake cupcakes; since she has been obsessed with rainbows, and St Patrick’s Day is around the corner, I figured why not give rainbow cupcakes a try? This was a first for us, and it will definitely not be the last – they were awesome!! My husband andContinueContinue reading “Rainbow Cupcakes”